From 2003 to 2011, we were Gawker Media’s de facto visual & interface design department. We designed and built the first five iterations of the company’s 13 notorious sites, developing branding, editorial styling, visual voice, and CMS functionality for each. Not every site remains online, but those which do still retain the brands we built.
We built each site with a custom template atop the site’s CMS (originally Movable Type, later the company’s proprietary publishing engine), allowing for in-network cross-property ad trafficking, ad buys from outside customers, and ad tracking & measurement of reader metrics which ran on a proprietary internal ad system.
We also developed several in-network microblogs, like “Art of Speed” for Nike & “A Dirty Shame” promoting the John Waters film from Fine Line Features. Other clients, like Comedy Central and Sony, got custom in-network and tone-correct ad campaigns.
For editors, we developed several custom CMS plugins to help speed up day-to-day writing and approval tasks: a dual-tier categorization system, a tag system with private tags to call custom templates for advertiser-purchased posts or seasonal features (like the annual March film awards season or Christmas shopping beginning in September), and a single button which would save and then go to the next or previous post—requested by editors checking and editing junior editors’ work.